Our solutions


Our purpose-built Next Best Action solution tailored for financial institutions, strategically crafted to enhance relationships and drive revenue growth.

  • Identifies opportunities and enables action
  • Tracks your team performance and other indicators
  • Streamlines information management
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Prioritize for Salesforce

Next Best Action app for Salesforce that maximizes value on advisor book, improves workflow efficiency, and increases client engagement.

  • Seamlessly integrates with your existing Salesforce setup
  • Easily connects with external data sources
  • Includes custom actions editor
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Our client-facing solution that enables clients to see their assets, initiate transactions, open accounts, create goals, and connect with their advisor.

  • Streamlines workflows and enables efficiencies
  • Enables clients to self-initiate actions
  • Enhances marketing campaigns and content delivery
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The advisor orchestration framework that boosts productivity with workflow automation, integrations, and a comprehensive client view compatible with your CRM.

  • Automates workflows and tracks task completion
  • Orchestrates back-office, CRM, and integrations
  • Locates and centralizes client information
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Persona API

Our innovative account integration solution tailored for clients and advisors, designed to optimize connections and deliver enhanced value.

  • Connects to internal and external data sources
  • Consolidates fragmented data into a unified model
  • Enables engagement strategies
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Empowering advisors with our solutions, Responsive holds a strong conviction in the positive impact of human-led financial advice.